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Join our community as volunteer

Content creation

Join us to create powerful and reliable informative content on Africa and African taking into account the Turkish context! The “Content” team will be working to disseminate the content by following the news about Africa and translating it into languages widely used in Türkiye in the form of visuals.

Research & Development

Are you excited about giving your academic knowledge to work on developing literature about Africa in Türkiye? If your answer is yes, the “Research & development” team is for you! This team is in charge of preparing the materials for workshops or Forums implemented in the field studies, monitoring the logistics (such as communication with local stakeholders) and working with our core team to run the workshops or Forums.

Behind the scene

Projects to be accomplished require hours of work behind the scenes every day! We need volunteers for translation, social media and community management, daily communication, and follow-up of ongoing projects. If you enjoy operations and team management, public relations, advertising or visual arts, the “Behind the Scenes” team is waiting for you!

Call Anytime

+ 90 (536) 742 21 59

Where are you wishing to volunteer, among the following Teams?
Are you Student?